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Since Studio Player upgrade to v1, hardware not found

Everything's been working fine, but since the upgrade to v1, my 2 m-blocks are not shown:


I can play notes, but not assign any controls.

13 people have this problem

Am using Studio Player v1.1.2 on Windows 10 64-bit and the 'Assign Hardware' is blank when selected and I have a zero showing as in above photo. I was assuming that the Live, Touch and maybe Loop Blocks would have some use in Studio Player/Equator given the ridiculous prices and the glossy descriptions on Roli websites,  but it seems not. 

No wonder there are so many blocks being sold on eBay and other platforms, and no wonder it takes Roli Support 5 days to unregister a pre-owned block as they must be getting hundreds of requests a week. 

By comparison Arturia just responded to 2 queries of mine, the first in 13 hours and the second in inutes. 

Noting that Arturia Pigments is MPE compatible,  I wonder if the writing is on the wall for Roli, but maybe its not too late to get their act together.

My spend on Roli is now into 4 figures, and after initial delight, am now feeling rather jaded.  The LightPad M is excellent (so far) the Seaboard Blocks are great when they work, but often dropout for no obvious reason, and stuck notes is a common problem (which is why Studio Player has a dedicated button to defeat).  Would be very risky to depend on Seaboard blocks for live work, one might be OK.

So far as I can tell the Control Blocks are only any use for iPAD Noise, and I imagine that was the design objective, but that is not communicated well by info on Roli websites, which is rather misleading. 

As you can guess, like many other Roli customers on these forums, I am pretty disheartened and am reviewing whether it is even worth bothering with Roli anymore, all the products are inspiring, but they just don't hang together and work properly.

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two months have passed...we're at Roli Studio Player 1.2.0 and the hardware control problem is still on. It is frustrating. I can't rely on my Roli gear, it is pretty much a very expensive gadget. I spend so much time trying to make it work with any daw, so I can actually produce ANYTHING and all I get is crashes, bugs, inexplicable behaviour...I'm fed up, basically. maybe you should hire actual developers.

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hélas... same problem... and that' s what I call a BIG problem, not a small bug or a small disagreement.

About the "0" hardware displayed at the top  of the window, I'd like to mention a contradiction because in the setting menu, my 2 Lightpads and an Xkey keyboard are listed...

I'm not the kind to open a ticket each time something doesn't run like I would but since I bought my second Lightpad 3 months ago, I never was able to enjoy the benefit of having a second one (except in Noise but it's not the reason I bought a 2nd one). I don't want to develop in this topic my other ticket but in a few words : wrong Slide behavior, Melodics app from Dashboard not working after last firmware upgrade (thanks to the people from Melodics, it has just been resolved a few days ago), and now I can't use Studio Player and Studio Drum... 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not bitching out or complaining, I just want to point out out some disfunction that shouldn't be so long to solve, and shouldn't be more than one at a time. Roli has its reputation, and a range of expensive and reputed products should not suffer from an accumulation of problems. 

But I'll get back to the support team with the sixth or seventh ticket about the same subject.... with screenshots, videos and all I!  I believe in your product so I think it worth pe patient and take the time ! 

Best regards

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same issue only on roli connect 1.0.10

I cant even play this thing yet because everytime i try to install the studio it says my hardware isnt working. I looked for it in Program files and all there is as options is midi driver. I bought this thing and cant even use it?

Jay Swaminarayan
Could find an Easy Workaround for this.

Please follow this steps.

  1. Quit ROLI Connect
  2. Open Task Manager > Services
  3. Search for ROLI Hardware Driver
  4. Right Click & STOP
  5. Start the ROLI Connect
  6. Open ROLI Studio Player
  7. Go To Task Manager > Services > ROLI Hardware Driver
  8. Right Click > Start
  9. Voila! You Should see your hardware back.

Jay Swaminarayan

I have the same problem. I can play sounds in Studio Player, but cannot control hardware.

There is a "0" in Hardware Control, if I click the "v" I get a blank "Assign your hardware" window. I can control hardware in ROLI Dashboard, including the key lights on the LUMI Keys. I cannot control this in Studio Player. I noticed in one of the ROLI intro videos for the LUMI Keys that colored octaves appear on the software keyboard in Studio Player in the demo. This also does not happen for me, however I do see circles appear on the notes.


Using MacOS Catalina, Version 10.15.4 and LUMI Keys and RISE 49. It is the same hardwired or with Bluetooth.

Thank you

I had problems also. I actually bought a 2019 IMac and was afraid to upgrade to Catalina. I finally upgraded and to my surprise. Everything work fine.

Hi Roli Support, this thread has been going for a long time. I am having the same issue but I did not read any solution so far that seems to work. Just like at the beginning of this thread my role hardware is not being found. Please Please Please HELP!!!

I am running the newest OS on my Mac  10.15.4

This might be the problem since I just updated and it was working yesterday before I updated.

Thank you,


I moved over to an Imac and now I am stuck with the problem of not being able to update to Catalina cause of compatibility issues. I am waiting patiently. Please fix this ASAP.


Man I hope they fix this soon. I have held off on Catalina far to long.

Same problem here. Cannot find an appropriate solution.

Have to do these steps all the time. This doesn't work for me.

Same here.

next to Hardware Control "0" is displayed, after clicking on "0" the infobox opens and shows nothing.

Deleting the files and reinstallung the whole bundle as explained also in other threads, downn't solve the problem, it constnatly returns.

Don't have a workable soltuion yet. 

Please help, cannot work this way.

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