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iOS block Dashboard

Hi, I have finished the development of an iOS block Dashboard. The application is now available on the AppStore at an introductory price of 2.79$ (Regular price 5.49$) until July the 9th.

3 people have this question

Hi! Awesome!! Is it possible with the app assign the Seaboard block for an instrument and the Lightpad block to another one (at the same time) on GarageBand running on iOS?

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Christophe Tornieri - any idea when a Rise compatibility will be available - can't wait!!!

Any plans to do a version compatible with arise?
Jason Peter. Sorry but there is no plan to make it compatible with Seaboard Rise as they use a completely different SDK.
Hi Adrian, Yes it is possible.

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Hi Christophe! I’m so glad I found this app.... although I am simultaneously not so happy about an issue: I’m on iOS 12.0.1! And I haven’t updated my iPhone X as I’m afraid of planned obsolescence. It is very unfortunate as I REAAAAAALLY need your app. Is there anyway you could support lower versions of iOS? I’d really appreciate if you could cover at least the entirety of iOS 12. Otherwise, if anyone is able to provide any feedback on how performance on their iPhones has been affected by the upgrade to iOS 13, I might just upgrade this one time so that I can use your app. It literally is a game changer for us Blocks users, especially the ones who barely ever connect it to their PCs. Thank you so much for your time and I hope something can be done! Any feedback will be deeply appreciated !

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Christophe, do your best. Keep the good work up.  It can be a wonderfull level of achievement, in all this superior ''field'' of expression.

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That's amazing.  Do changes made in your dashboard maintain when you use the Noise App? I've been looking for a way to transpose the seaboard block for use in Noise on ios for ages now.

I just bought the app cause it said that worked with ROLI Seaboard Rise and I just found out that it doesn't and it never will, totally disapointed...


Currently on sale for $1.99 – not sure for how long, but if you use Blocks with iOS and don't already have this you'd be mad not to grab it at this price.

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Hi Christophe!

I bought your App that seems the one it needs to use Lightpad on iOS...You have done what Roli cannot or want to do: unbelievable from them and awesome from you! Shame on them and Compliments to you.

I'm just trying to figure out how it works, but I cannot found a sort of manual or demo.

Please could you tell me where to find the basics.

Tanks so much

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Can I use this app to change slide relative/bipolar to absolute on iOS? The blocks default to relative on iOS, and I would instantly buy this app if I could use absolute on iOS.

 Nothing works with anything. They just want your money mate.

Absolutely blows my mind that you STILL CANNOT change the color of your lightpad OR have it show specific notes or scales via the dashboard. Would be a great feature for the future of this app, which I also bought yet haven’t used too much because I need to constantly disconnect and reconnect my hardware to my phone then back to my laptop etc etc etc...Its really not a nice way to work woth this device and softwares. It’s honestly fkn unbelievable that they sell these lightpads at the price they do, with aaallllll this amazing advertised functionality and features, but I am forced to use NOISE if I want different colors or scales..and it isn’t even that, it’s the fact it feels like a pretty brick when used with other apps. But that’s all it is until dashboard ACTUALLY allows legitimate customization of your RGB gear. There should alsp be a way to keep dashboard open while using the lightpad because if I dont own or want to own a loop block or songmaker block, I had damn well better be allowed to change things from dashboard WITHOUT being forced to close the DAW im working in because “your block is being controlled by another application, please quit” etc etc etc...

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