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GarageBand guitars

Been trying to play the guitars in GarageBand on the Mac with the seaboard in my song maker kit. It seems a bit erratic though in that some notes just don’t play. If I go up all the way from left to right there seem to be around 3 or 4 notes just don’t play. GarageBand seems to register the key press and even records the note in the piano roll but no sound comes out. If I use the onscreen keyboard the sound works just fine. Any ideas?

Best Answer

Hi Andrew, we can confirm that the guitars in GarageBand aren't MPE-compatible which explains the behaviour you've described here. You might try setting BLOCKS to send in single channel mode when using these instruments. 

I used to play that GarageBand in other software but i think this is better. thank you for sharing this discusion.

Scannable Fake id


Hi Andrew, we can confirm that the guitars in GarageBand aren't MPE-compatible which explains the behaviour you've described here. You might try setting BLOCKS to send in single channel mode when using these instruments. 

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