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Rise and SWAN-Noise ... without IOs ... or plan B...?

I am Classical Music oriented. I am ready for a 5D responsive touch keyboard. I have a Rise 49 in my shopping cart. However, I keep playing the SWAN orchestral sound video  for Blocks-iOS ... and drooling. I want those -- or alt -- sounds with my Rise.

Can anyone suggest a path for me?

1) Is this correct: You can only get Noise-SWAN orchestral  library with a Rise by going "through" an IOS device? ( I don't have one.)

2) Are there spectacular Orchestral sound samples in the included libraries I will get with the Rise-49?

3) What is an alternate library that works with 5D fully enabled, for classical orchestra and piano sounds, of the quality of the SWAN libraries? (Note: Vienna Strings is out of my budget)

4) My DAW sequencer is Cubase and I have Finale with Garritan Personal Orchestra included.

Thank you,


Best Answer

Hi John,

Thanks for asking about using the SWAM Engine sounds with your RISE. Audio Modeling's SWAM Engine instruments are available as individual plugins for use with MacOS and Windows computers, and the NOISE sounds using the SWAM Engine are currently only supported on compatible iOS devices.

Please see for more details on the SWAM plugins for MacOS/Windows, and for instructions on setting up the SWAM Engine instruments with your RISE, please see Using the Seaboard RISE & GRAND with SWAM Engine.

This page lists the presets included with the full version of Equator, so you can see what orchestral sounds are included.

For more setup guides on using ROLI instruments with third-party software synthesizers, check out this section of our support website



I am also using Cubase on Windows and also would like to have the modeled saxophone patches from the SWAM engine but as you have already stated, it is only for ios.   Might I suggest another alternative:  Since you already are a Cubase User you could if you have Cubase Pro or Cubase Artist take advantage of the Note Expression tab.  By using this all of the Halion 6 patches can be MPE compliant.  Halion 6 is a separate purchase from the Halion that comes with Cubase, but what it has in addition to the ability to author VSTs and Sample directly, is an amazing sampled selection of saxophones from soprano, alto, tenor to baritone.  I just checked and there are 63 separate saxophone samples. some have falls, some have growls, but the attributes through the Note Expression tab and the Roli Dashboard can be configured so that you get that pitch shift from pressing a reed as an example or the change in sound timbre when you overblow on a reed and these can be mapped to the Roli 5D touch vectors.   There are also on Halion 6 a very good selection of electric guitars and acoustic plucked instruments from zithers to harps to acoustic guitars.  It is just anohter option that is available to you that you might not be aware of. Have fun exploring what you can do with your expressive Roli Seaboard.

Hi Dave, thanks for responding.

In the interim, I have purchased the Seaboard Rise 49, and also updated my Cubase Pro license to 9.5, so I am committed to that DAW.

No orchestral samples I already possess are correct for my composing. Not the solo strings in Equator, the strings in Halion SE included with Cubase, and the strings in Garritan Personal Orchestra. All of these string libraries are either too simple, and/or have vibrato built into the sample, and I've tried to work around that to no avail. Also, none of these have articulations worthy.

The DAW-level SWAM strings + woodwinds cost $1100, so I'd need to build up to that. Not to mention that does not include orchestral brass or percussion.

This brings me back to the SWAM samples on the NOISE app. I'm considering purchasing a new iPod Touch v6 (about $190) and the SWAM packs.

Thank you for advising that you can export out of NOISE to Ableton Live Set to get expression control once in that DAW, but I don't want to switch away from Cubase. There is ability to transform audio into midi in Cubase, although I don't understand what or how that would work.

Hi John,

That's right, when you export your project as audio (select export, then 'loops' from the project page), that's a simple audio file with all the expression that you recorded into the project – no midi in that! If you export as an Ableton Live Set on the other hand, you'd see MIDI regions imported into your Ableton set.

Looks like the two bundles, for strings and woodwinds, would be about $1200, with no brass or percussion. I am not saying that is too expensive, it just is what it is. I am sure these are spectacular samples.

Meanwhile, you can get SWAM Flutes, SWAM Strings, SWAM Woodwinds, SWAM Saxophones, Bass Quartet and Treble Quartet for $10 each for NOISE on iOS with the Seaboard Block. I would have to bet these packs are not the "full" libraries, but limited subsets. They can't be the full $1200 libraries, right?

I have Garritan Personal Orchestra, and of course I will have the orchestral samples included with Equator, as you pointed out, so that's where I'll start.

I just got jazzed watching that video of the Seaboard Block playing the SWAM samples!

Red, can you answer this new question...

Playing a solo with the SWAM string or woodwind pack on Seaboard Block linked to an iPad or iPod6, the file can be saved to the iOS device and downloaded or emailed out as an AIFF or other audio file, then imported into a desktop PC DAW, right? It's not midi there, but the full impact of expression would be heard in hi-res. Am I correct?


Hi John,

Thanks for asking about using the SWAM Engine sounds with your RISE. Audio Modeling's SWAM Engine instruments are available as individual plugins for use with MacOS and Windows computers, and the NOISE sounds using the SWAM Engine are currently only supported on compatible iOS devices.

Please see for more details on the SWAM plugins for MacOS/Windows, and for instructions on setting up the SWAM Engine instruments with your RISE, please see Using the Seaboard RISE & GRAND with SWAM Engine.

This page lists the presets included with the full version of Equator, so you can see what orchestral sounds are included.

For more setup guides on using ROLI instruments with third-party software synthesizers, check out this section of our support website



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