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Lightpad Block M + Live Block, Windows 10


 Im owner of Lightpad block M and it works well with cable and windows 10. ROLI Dashboard finds it with no problems at all.

Recently I bought Live block and connected it to my Lightpad block M and Dashboard cant recognize the block even the LEDs are lighted up. Is there some solution? I know windows 10 cant use bluetooth but I thought that the information is transmitted through the DNA connectors.

Why I didnt have any concerns while buying the live block was because my friend has also Lightpad block M and when we connected them together, Dashboard via windows 10 recognized both lightpad blocks, the second one connected only with the DNA connectors.

Any idea?

Thank you

3 people have this question

Hello . I have the same problem but I don't have a friend with iOS Device.   :/

Hi there,

it would be great if the led behaved like in the noise app to show scales and chords.



Mi Marcin,

You can download the block firmware to your Windows PC, than drag the file onto your block on the Dashboard app.  You'll need to check with support where the proper firmware files are - I can't seem to find them in looking around the site....

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