Whilst My.ROLI.com has historically been the hub for downloading your software and registering your hardware, newer changes to the software ecosystem mean that some software and licenses will no longer show in this portal.
Equator2, ROLI Studio and Soundpacks will not be shown in the My ROLI portal, as Connect is crucial for downloading and authorising this software.
Older software - such as Equator, ROLI Dashboard and all third-party software - will continue to be available to download from My ROLI as well as from Connect. You can also continue to register and unregister hardware to and from your account using this portal.
For the full list of your software licenses, please check the Apps > My Software tab of ROLI Connect. If you believe you are missing some software from your account, or have any other questions about this, please check out the links below or get in touch with our Support Team.
You can download ROLI Connect from roli.com/start.
Useful Links
Getting Started with ROLI Connect
Installing Equator2 from ROLI Connect