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Block Dashboard For IOS!

I use iOS apps almost exclusively at this point with my Seaboard Blocks and Lightpad Blocks.  A Dashboard for iOS would really help.

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Have you figured out how to map the Lightpad Blocks to any other apps? I'm currently trying to get it to work with Beat Maker 3 and iMPC Pro with no luck.

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I would love to be able to map the light pad in other apps. I bought the thing for use as a drum pad and while it’s great with noise, I thought i would be able to use it with many more drumming apps. I haven’t figured it out if there is a way.

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Will need to try again but, if memory serves, the grids you load through the Dashboard app on desktop do carry through use on iOS (if you don’t go through the Noise app in between the two, as Noise takes over the grid).

So, for drum apps, the main thing is to change the octave. Otherwise, we only get four drum sounds (the last four in the typical 4x4 setup à la MPC). But if you lower the drum setup by an octave, in Dashboard, you should be able to play all 16 pads.

(Haven’t tried this in a while but it should work. If not, we definitely need a way to use Lightpad Blocks with drum apps on iOS.)

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@Alex that actually worked! I tried using the drum pad with GarageBand, but first changing the default octave to start at c3 and now I can play drums on GarageBand just fine. Thank you for pointing this out. I’ll have to do a some more digging to check for compatibility for other apps. I will say tho that this would be incredibly handy to change these settings in iOS. Thanks again.

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My ROLI seaboard block experience is very frustrating in that I only use it on iOS. Having dashboard functionality would change everything for the better. I spend 50% of my time trying to get it to work more responsively with other supported iOS apps. The sensitivity is often too soft or too loud. I know so many people who would make the jump and buy a Seaboard if they could have dashboard control on iOS.

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Yeah, I have downloaded Noise and use it...I don’t think that the changes made in Noise are retained when using 3rd party apps. I use Moog model D, model 15, thumbjam, SynthMaster one, animoog, garage band, and Volt to name a few. I love how Volt has implemented MPE with sliders.

i wanted to use my new Lightblock M outside of Noise, becasue it seemed to me as a perfect Ableton Push replacement on IOS. But unfortunately, soon you close the Noise App the Lightpad jumps back to its default setting. And there is no way to change the scale mode outside of Noise. In this form the lightpad is useless for me and probably also for many others. I really don't understand why there is no other way to control the settings for the Lightpad and Seaboard as well. The business policy of Roli is a mystery to me. instead of ensuring that these really good keyboards and controllers work smoothly in IOS with other apps. They focus on this Noise app and block themselves with it. I thought iam a Creator for you, ROLI!

so why you stop my creativity with such problems. ROLI please have mercy with use and make DASHBOARD on IOS a reality. I mean, what's the worst that could happen...? Maybe sell more of your controllers and keyboards because of that?

P.S: A friend who makes music with the ipad. recently asked me if the Lighpad would be something for him. And sadly, i had to answer. "No, Not at the moment, unfortunately."

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Lavoro con due Seaboard block e quasi tutti i sound pack di Noise. Vorrei poter usare le Seaboard block anche con hardware midi. Ho un iPad 2017 come posso fare ? Grazie per la vostra attenzione I work with two Seaboard blocks and almost all Noise sound packs. I would like to be able to use the Seaboard blocks even with midi hardware. I have an iPad 2017 how can I do? Thanks for your attention

Hi Mausician, ROLI Dashboard is a MacOS and Windows app that allows you to set up Seaboards and Blocks with hardware and software synthesizers. As this feature request indicates, there is definitely demand for an iOS Dashboard, and we'll be happy to take this feature request into consideration as we make future plans.

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Grazie Red, spero arrivi presto dashboard per ios :) Thanks Red, I hope you'll soon get dashboard for ios :)

Instead of reconfiguring the Blocks devices you could insert a MIDI processor into the MIDI signal chain on the IOS device. Midiflow and Streambyter are both great. The former is graphically based while Streambyter uses text config files. 

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Thanks for the helpful tip!

Grazie Paul, ottimo consiglio Thanks Paul, very good advice

+1 for an iOS Dashboard app, or at least full support for all device settings via the existing NOISE app. I'm not looking forward to having to bounce back and forth between an iPad and a PC or Mac just to change things like MPE settings on the Seaboard Block.

ROLI, Please fully support the powerful, portable iOS music-making platform! Thanks.

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