BLOCKS Firmware 0.4.5 Released

We're happy to announce the release of BLOCKS Firmware 0.4.5.

The most significant change is the addition of auto MIDI channel reassignment over DNA connections which avoids channel clashing issues, as well as a fix to the 'Hardest' pressure tracking mode on the Seaboard Block.

IMPORTANT NOTE: MIDI communications between blocks has changed in this version, please update all Blocks to ensure MIDI messages are received.

Changes to BLOCKS firmware include:


  • Add auto MIDI channel reassignment over DNA - avoids MPE channel clash issues. Note that individual Blocks have their channel settings upheld when reassigning (e.g. single channel blocks will stay on that channel). Note that all connected Blocks must be updated to at least this version for MIDI to work over DNA.
  • Improve DNA stability
  • Improve internal comms stability
  • Fix dropped messages on Bluetooth
  • Improve lift calculation

NOTE: MIDI communications between blocks has changed in this version, please update all Blocks to ensure MIDI messages are received.


  • Add auto MIDI channel reassignment over DNA - avoids MPE channel clash issues. Note that individual Blocks have their channel settings upheld when reassigning (e.g. single channel blocks will stay on that channel). Note that all connected Blocks must be updated to at least this version for MIDI to work over DNA.
  • Improve DNA stability
  • Improve internal comms stability
  • Fix dropped messages on Bluetooth
  • Fix support for hardest pressure tracking

NOTE: MIDI communications between blocks has changed in this version, please update all Blocks to ensure MIDI messages are received.


  • Add auto MIDI channel reassignment over DNA - avoids MPE channel clash issues. Note that individual Blocks have their channel settings upheld when reassigning (e.g. single channel blocks will stay on that channel). Note that all connected Blocks must be updated to at least this version for MIDI to work over DNA.
  • Improve DNA stability
  • Fix dropped messages on Bluetooth
  • Add colour correction for LEDS

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I’m hoping there’s an update that aligns with the release of the Studio editions today.

I will try it again.......when can we expect the fix for the 0.4.5 firmware? The flashing on my Blocks is really annoying.

When does the updates 0.4.5 will be released? Or maybe 0.4.6?

When can we expect a updated 0.4.5 firmware version?

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hello, guys! i've just updated all my roli devises and notice that i cant go to instrument page in Noise app by button on my loop block. it change pages to loops, mixer, effects, and back to loops page. this is a bit strange 

Cheers Much appreciated team! Looking forward to getting my Lumi to add to my fit-out. 

OK great to know. I was worried that it was a serious fault. As you say, it still functions perfectly so is still functional. 

Look forward to the 'fix'!

Thanks for sharing your feedback. 

The software team is aware of the issue of flickering between the pads in grid mode on the Lightpad Block with firmware 0.4.5. They have assured me that this will not affect the playability of the Lightpad and is at the top of their priority list to fix in the next firmware update. 

If you would like to revert to the previous firmware version you may do so, the files are attached to this message. We would not recommend this however, as the 0.4.5 firmware resolved several playability issues, and the flickering is cosmetic only. 

Please also bear in mind that if you downgrade your Lightpad firmware, you will also need to downgrade any other BLOCKS you own in order to use them together.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, the team are working hard on a fix to stop the lights flickering. 

Marcus | Creator Support Agent


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Updated my all my lightpads and blocks and I'm noticing some flickering now on the light pads. In between the squares. I'm sure this must be some sort of malfunction as I've not seen this the whole time I've been using my blocks. Moreover I'm getting a stuck note every now and again is there anyway to fix that? 

I've updated my lightpad block m from 0.4.4 last night to 0.4.5

Now there is faint white flickering rows/columns in random places at random times. I've power cycled, paired with other devices, and I can't get it to stop. This is a result of the firmware update. I've not even had my lightpad for a day but I know it was working fine before this.


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Thank-you so much for this update! I bought a 2nd Seaboard block to extend my range and was having issues with playing more than 3 notes at a time, this has now completely resolved it! I can play a chord on one block and lead on the other with no issues at all. YES!

Now I'm off to have some fun :)

Thanks, Marcus!

Question : is the Seaboard's single channel behaviour solved 0.4.5?

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