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Change the installation path

 Have I missed something?  Is it not possible to choose the installation path?

Or even better, move it from my C drive to my D drive?

I have an SSD for fast booting on drive C and I didn't get a chance to pick where it installed.

This has caused additional issues for me because I keep all of my VST's on my D drive - Ableton won't allow me to assign 2 places for vst's, So I can't use it so far.

If I'm mistaken, then if anyone can help, it would be great - I'm new to the software, just 2 days of use.

Thanks for your time.

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Hey Scott et al,

Try these directions to move the folder. I can verify this works correctly and I even installed the Extended and India libraries and they installed in my non-SSD drive without having to change anything. So once you do this, you won't have to do it again.

  1. First, copy the 'ROLI' folder from '/Users/Shared' to your other drive using standard drag and drop in the Finder. Verify that everything was copied over correctly.
  2. Open Terminal
  3. 'cd ..', hit return. (noted the space between cd and the dots). Normally Terminal should open to your User folder. In order to get to the Shared folder, you need to move up the directory and 'cd ..' does that. If you get lost, you can always use 'cd /' (again note the space between cd and /) and that will bring you to the root level of the OS drive. Then look for the Users and 'cd' your way back down the directory path. Also 'ls' is a handy command to see what's inside the folder you just cd'ed to (cd stands for 'change directory', by the by).
  4. cd Shared/ROLI, hit return . You're navigating inside the ROLI directory to where  the 'Equator' folder is.
  5. rm -rf Equator, hit return. This deletes the Equator folder. The system should ask for an admin password.
  6. Type 'ln -s ' (note the space after the 's'), then click and drag from the Finder the actual Equator folder from where you just copied it to and place the cursor in Terminal and that will give you the Unix path you need to tell the system. Hit return. It should look like 'ln -s /Volumes/HDname/path/where your folder lives' where from /Volumes/ it should have the folder path where your new folder lives.
  7. Done. See that in Finder you should have the 'Equator' folder back, but it will have a curved arrow on top of the folder icon.

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i get stuck on 4. 

cd Shared/ROLI  is not taking me to the ROLI directory. i get "No such file or directory"

Seems like you either already moved ROLI folder or something else. 

Try this command in terminal and once completed see if you can locate  the ROLI folder in the generated file on desktop.

find / -name ROLI -type d  > ~/desktop/rolifind.txt

you can ignore any permissions denied outputs.

(was out of town)

sorry Amit, i'm not at all familiar with Terminal, so i don't know correct syntax and i have no way of knowing where spaces go in the commands you post from looking at this page. 

maybe point me to a Terminal primer? i'm a composer, not a programmer or engineer. 

where things are:

i've already copied ROLI to my external HD (where i keep Falcon, Omnisphere, etc)

i suppose i'm now just trying to get my DAW (Ableton) to look for the Equator files on that HD, yes? 

- beyond my comprehension why i can't tell the plugin where to look. who designed this anyway?

meanwhile, typing cd .. doesn't even get me to the Shared folder. 


copy and paste this at the terminal the command you issues has a . before ~ hence the error.


If you can tell me exact current  path of the ROLI folder you copied, I can give you the exact command that you can paste in terminal.

on the external hard drive TravelStudioExHD


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Great, I assume that you have moved the folder to external drive and it no longer exists in Users/Shared. If not you need to either delete that or just rename it to ROLI-OLD in Users/Shared. To create the symlink copy and paste this command in terminal as is and enter your password when asked. ln -s /Volumes/TravelStudioExHD/ROLI /Users/Shared/ROLI If this command runs successfully it will create a ROLI folder shortcut in /Users/Shared and Equator should be able to access its data from external drive.

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that worked. thanks a bunch, mate!

Hi Amit and Marc

Thanks for this installation tips. However, Equator still isn't finding the path. I followed all your steps and even got the Roli alias showing up in the original Shared folder, however, upon opening Equator - no sounds.

I restarted the computer, still nothing.

I've attached the directory for the external drive (Chandra_1T), and one of the Master HD.

If you can lend a hand, I'd great appreciate it!

thank you

 Hi Amit and Marc

I followed all your instructions, but Equator still isn't loading the sounds. I even have the Roli alias in the previous directory. I've restarted the comp, and still no-go.

Any help would be appreciated!

I've attached 2 screenshots. one of the external drive (named Chandra_1T) and one of the Master HD

Ok - so it's been solved. I copied over the "Users/Shared" part of the directory, which is why the Roli alias couldn't see the Equator library in the new directory.

it works for me too, but it breaks ROLI Connect ( )


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