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New Presets on Equator?

OK, I understand there are some issues preventing Noise soundpacks being avaliable on Equator, but... What about actual NEW, exclusive Equator presets? I mean, this is what it says on the Equator official product page:

"Equator includes hundreds of sounds, and more are coming all the time."

It's been like a year or so since you put new sounds there. Your definition of "all the time" really perplexes me... XD

6 people like this idea

Thanks  so much, but where is the dwnll link, can`t find them on the roli page



Thanks..of course..  just always got these msg_s



It looks like this may be a slight bug that causes Equator to think there are additional presets ("Oli Presets) Copy" and "Smooth Floyd") that don't properly exist. 

You may just ignore these messages, and I recommend rather than downloading individual presets that you download entire playlists. You may do this by making sure the "Playlists" button is highlighted in the upper right corner of Equator's Preset Browser, and then with Location set to Online clicking the cloud download icon next to the playlists in the "Playlists" column to the right that you would like to download.

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