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Preset sharing in Equator

How does one share presets between friends? Thanks

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Hi Gerardo, 

Make sure you haven't filtered any presets out. I recommend selecting 'All' instruments and making sure the RISE/GRAND/BLOCKS device filters are off:


a friend of mine sent me a preset he made on his equator. I copied-pasted the file in my folder (documents/ROLI/Equator/Presets) but when I open equator to work on it I can not find it.

Thank in advance,


Hi there Sam,

This article describes how to share Equator presets:

Equator presets are saved as ".equatorpreset" files in your documents folder and can be easily copied from one computer to another.

By simply copying and pasting them to the correct folder, you can share your presets with other creators or across different computers.

Where are the presets?

All of your personal presets are saved in the following folders:

Mac: Documents ➝ ROLI ➝ Equator ➝ Presets

Windows: Documents ➝ ROLI ➝ Equator ➝ Presets

When you make changes to a Factory Preset and click save, Equator doesn't save over the original. Instead, Equator creates a new version of that preset and saves it to the folder with your other personal presets.

We'll be happy to look into the best ways of helping creators share presets with each other, perhaps on a new forum. Thanks for your patience in the meantime!


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