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I'm really disappointed in Roli and my lightpad

Starting with when I first purchased my lightpad, I tried to go to Roli's website to download the necessary software and their site was giving me errors and I wasn't able to download software. 

I was unable to use my lightpad. After waiting a few days for the sites to start working again, I managed to grab the software, but failed to register my device, and I had to contact support and again wait.

Once that was resolved on their own time, a firmware update was available for my device.  I applied it, and now random notes don't play and the display flickers, both reported problems in the firmware update thread. I was excited to use this in videos and live streams but it literally looks broken.

It's now been 4 months since the broken firmware was pushed and they have not updated us.

I started getting more familiar with my lightpad but was having a hard time actually getting it to play when I tap. Turns out this is a common problem and you just have to "strike harder." Changing the settings has little effect, probably placebo to be honest. I made the incorrect assumption that it would sense as soon as I touch no matter how lightly.

It's very difficult to slide your fingers around while maintaining a "press" to sustain while also not moving the whole unit around. Or you end up accidentally triggering new strikes/presses while trying to slide around.

I cannot use my lightpad on android devices. 

I'm having a hard time figuring out how and where to get more apps for it.

I cannot use my lightpad in FL Studio effectively.

Trying to use it on either of my macbooks or mac mini sucks. It will randomly disconnect and you have to go through a reboot of everything to get it to connect again.

To top it all off, the sides literally started peeling off the day I got it. Of course it's under warranty, but do I seriously need to send my new block in for repair, just to have the same problem happen again? It's a flawed design.

What's really unfortunate is how much similar feedback and complaints there are and how long they've had to do nothing about it.

I regret making this purchase.

I'm open to hearing other's thoughts on these issues and how you live with them, since there's no returning now lol

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