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Roli Studio Player Equator sounds

Does Roli Studio Player provides all the sounds that Equator full version offers?

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Hi there,

ROLI Studio Player was designed to collect some of the best sounds from each of our 3 different sound engines together, with some cool compositional tools, and does not simply feature every preset in Equator, Strobe2, and Cypher2 at this time.

However, as of a recent RSP update, you can access your custom presets from any of the 3 engines from within RSP. To add an Equator preset to RSP, you should open Equator, select the patch, let say  'Aconcagua Spirits Pad' for example, then choose 'Save as' to save a custom copy. Name this something different to the original, and you should find that when you next launch RSP, the preset appears.

Hope that helps!


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I've tried what Marcus said about saving equator presets manually, but it doesn't show up in RSP for me. I've tried creating new equator preset from scratch, as well as copying existing one, but no luck getting it in RSP :(

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Thanks. Where can I find the list of all Equator presets?

Is it on the roadmap to support incorporating all sounds from Equator and Cypher2 in the studio? Current workaround is very clunky.

Hi synthking, this is on the roadmap and something we're aiming to include support for in a future update to ROLI Studio. Thanks for your patience, and apologies for any inconvenience this is currently causing.

Ditto-ing this thread as a priority. Would really like to see all the Equator AND Noise packs available. 

(Please also keep the functionality of being able to save a preset from Equator...particularly if you load your own audio samples into Equator then save as a preset. )

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