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How to de-assign a hardware control in Studio Drums?

Or rather, how do I reassign a lightpad, so that it goes back to be the drum pad trigger surface?  I mistakenly assigned two of mine to control FX and sliders, how do I get one of them to be drumpads again?

I probably can just delete the instance and load it from scratch, but I just spent time creating a kit and wouldn't like to lose that work.

That said, shouldn't there be a way to save user kits and FX settings?

Best Answer

Hey Frank,

It's not currently possible to split assignments of multiple Lightpad Block devices between hardware integration and not, but we'll look into adding support for this in a future ROLI Studio update.

It is currently possible to return to the drum pad on any Lightpad Block by clearing the current hardware integration assignment. You can do this in ROLI Studio Drums, as with ROLI Studio Player, by clicking the small 'X' symbol in the corner of any Lightpad Block hardware assignment window:

Hope that helps!

Hey Frank,

I've passed this straight over to the team, as I can very clearly see how the Xs might not have been clear. Thanks for sharing!

Yes, I can very much appreciate how the separation of devices within and without hardware integration would be useful in a setup as comprehensive as yours. We'll see what we can do. Thanks again for the feedback!

Thanks Lawrence,

I already found out about it, but had to wait until the thread is approved before I could tell you.

I found the X's by mere accident when something glitched out and suddenly only 3 Lightpads were recognized by RSD (and RSP). That made the X's quite a bit more apparent :)

At the time I was opening the thread, the hardware assignment window looked like this for me:

image I falsely thought the bright pixels in the upper corners were the lock buttons. I didn't notice there were also hit targets in the lower right corners.

Maybe you can use that picture as a motivation for the dev team to work on the support of chosing which Blocks RSP and RSD shall see. The global Hardware assign window (the one in the header) could still show them all, so they can be be activated/deactivated (maybe make that window bigger, depending on how many Blocks are recognized). The local assignment windows (of the different sections that can be controlled) could then only show activated Blocks in a much more readable size.

For RSP I'd only need that cluster of three Lightpads, not the one with the Seaboards, for example. It would help heaps keeping things simple and probably also speed up the time it takes to update all the Lightpads a bit.

But that was not the topic of this thread. My question is answered positively. Although it's a bit hard to hit the spot, it's certainly doable if you know what to aim at.

Thanks again.


Hey Frank,

It's not currently possible to split assignments of multiple Lightpad Block devices between hardware integration and not, but we'll look into adding support for this in a future ROLI Studio update.

It is currently possible to return to the drum pad on any Lightpad Block by clearing the current hardware integration assignment. You can do this in ROLI Studio Drums, as with ROLI Studio Player, by clicking the small 'X' symbol in the corner of any Lightpad Block hardware assignment window:

Hope that helps!

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