Whilst Kontakt is not MPE-compatible, it can be converted to be a multi-timbral instrument by following a few steps. This will allow us to use the Seaboard and achieve some MPE features - like polyphonic pitch-bend - just like in an MPE-compatible synth.

Factory Library 2 has a more streamlined design and does not feature a lot of the same modulation capabilities of the first library. Nevertheless, we can still convert any sound to a multi-channel instrument and get polyphonic pitch bend. 

To do this, follow check out the video below or read the full steps underneath.

Step 1: Setting up the Seaboard

  • In ROLI Dashboard, change the MIDI mode to Single Channel.
  • Change the Seaboard's pitch bend range to 12.

Ableton users only: Setting up your DAW 

If you are using Ableton, you will find that all MIDI information is 'funnelled' into one MIDI channel. To allow this to work in Ableton, Channel 1 needs to be reserved for Global changes.

In Ableton's Link/Tempo/MIDI settings, under MIDI ports make sure that 'MPE' is ticked for the RISE.

Right-click in the header of the Kontakt device and select Enable MPE mode.

Right-click in the header again and select MPE Channel Settings.

Change the multi-channel mode to Multi-Channel and set the range for the amount of polyphony you want. In this guide we will use a 10-channel range, so set to Channel 2-11.

Now, continue to read the rest of the guide and make note of the Ableton users sections when they are mentioned.

Step 2: Customising a Kontakt instrument

  • In Kontakt, add an instrument from the library - e.g. Jazz Guitar.
  • Open the settings menu and change the pitch bend range from -12 to +12.

  • Make any other adjustments you want to make the sound.
    • For Jazz Guitar, you might want to reduce the 'dead note' sound at low velocities. Changing the minimum velocity to about 60 helps with this.
    • Make all the changes you can in this stage to save you having to redo any further steps!
  • Save the instrument, call it something like 'SINGLE Seaboard Jazz Guitar'.


Step 3: Creating the Kontakt multi-instrument 

  • Minimise the first instrument using the minus - button on the right-hand side.
  • Drag the same instrument from the Library into the Multi Rack.
  • Repeat this so you have 10 instruments. 

  • Change the MIDI Ch for each instrument so they are all set to 1-10 for the port the Seaboard is connected via (probably Port A). This will give us ten-note polyphony.
Ableton users: Start the first instrument to Channel 2, the next one Channel 3 and so on. For example, for 10-voice polyphony, set modules to receive from Channels 2-11 consecutively. 

  • From the File menu, save this as a multi and give it a name like 'MULTI Seaboard Jazz Guitar'. 

Step 4: Setting the correct MIDI channel range for the Seaboard

  • Back in Dashboard, change the MIDI mode to Multi-Channel.
  • Set the MIDI start and end channels to 1 and 10

MIDI channel settings for non-Ableton users

Ableton users: Just like in Kontakt, set the MIDI Start Channel in ROLI Dashboard to Channel 2 and the end channel one higher than the amount of instruments you created in Step 3. For example, since we're using 10-voice polyphony, set the MIDI Start Channel to 2 and the MIDI End Channel to 11.

MIDI channel settings for Ableton users only

Step 5: Testing in Kontakt

Go back to Kontakt and play some notes on the Seaboard. You should see each note you play getting assigned to a different MIDI channel in Kontakt, meaning you can now do polyphonic pitch bending with Kontakt!

Note: If you want to tweak anything in the instrument, you will need to change it in the 'SINGLE' instrument and add multiple versions of the instrument again.