Since the Control BLOCKS use standard MIDI CC messages, you can use the buttons on any of the Control BLOCKS to control various buttons in Ableton Live. This guide will focus on mapping the Loop BLOCK to Ableton's Transport. This way you can send Record, Play and Stop messages from the buttons on the BLOCK.

How to setup and map the Loop BLOCK to Ableton's Transport

1. Open ROLI Dashboard. Select the Loop Block and enable MIDI CC Mode

2. Open Ableton, and go to Settings > Link/Tempo/MIDI. 

In the MIDI Ports section, tick Track and Remote for both Input and Output. 

Ableton will only see what has been connected via USB or Bluetooth, not DNA. If you have the Loop Block attached to another Block which is connected via USB/Bluetooth, look for the that Block in the MIDI ports section.

3. In the main window, click MIDI to start mapping.

4. Click the Play icon, then push the Play button on the Loop BLOCK. 

5. Click the Record icon, then push the Record button on the Loop BLOCK. Record needs to be a 'toggle' button. 

6. Head back to Dashboard, change the Behaviour of the Record button to Toggle. 

7. In Ableton, click the Stop icon, then push the Learn button on the Loop BLOCK (you can choose any other of the Loop's buttons, but having all three on the same row might be easier to use).

8. Click MIDI again to stop mapping. You have now mapped the Loop Block to three transport buttons in Ableton. You should see the MIDI Mappings list change like below.