When the Seaboard RISE’s Glide Expression Touch Fader is set to maximum, adjacent semitones (also called minor seconds/half-steps/semitones, such as E & F, or D & D#) are interpreted as a single note. This is because Glide is applied to set the pitch somewhere between the two keywaves being played. The exact pitch is dependent on the pressure you apply to each keywave.

This feature can be enabled or disabled easily using just the RISE or in ROLI Dashboard. 


Enabling Semitone Legato

On the RISE or in Dashboard, set the Glide fader to 100% to enable Semitone Legato. In this mode, playing two adjacent notes will change the pitch smoothly from one note to the next.

When this is enabled, a small icon will show in the Glide 5D Touch section in Dashboard:

Disabling Semitone Legato

On the RISE or in Dashboard, set the Glide fader to somewhere below the maximum or disable the setting in ROLI Dashboard. 

It's possible to have maximum Glide sensitivity on all keywaves with Semitone Legato turned off by simply unticking the Semitone Legato box and leaving Glide at 100%.

Strictly speaking, when two adjacent notes are played simultaneously, the pitch is bent to a position somewhere between the two notes, determined by how much pressure is exerted on each key. For example, if C# is played with greater pressure than C, the pitch will be bent to a position closer to C# than C.

Seaboard GRAND

The Seaboard GRAND, the first ROLI instrument with the revolutionary SEA interface, uses a different sensor design, and it's not possible to play adjacent semitones (minor seconds) with the Seaboard GRAND.