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Equator Saxophone sound

The seaboard feels like it was made for an acoustic sax sound; ROLI even shows one off in their promo vids, but the only ones I can find are £200 from SWAM!

Come on Roli! Put some in

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Given the cost of the full SWAM sounds, I think it’s pretty clear they’re not going to license them to ROLI for peanuts. I have no doubt that the ios restrictions reflects the costs of the packs and that SWAM would charge significantly more if these restrictions were lifted. Maybe ROLI could have a go at modelling more woodwind instruments in equator but the SWAM plugins are highly unlikely to ever appear as free downloadable instruments.
Given the cost of the instruments, I’d be shocked if audio modelling allowed them to be given away free of charge. If ROLI were to do a deal in order to allow this, I suspect that the cost of the ROLI products would have to increase dramatically. Seriously you’re beating a dead horse. It’s just not going to happen.

I have just tried the Colours of India soundpack and while it's not exactly what I'm looking for, I have to say the samples there are quite intriguing and well made. Thanks Roli, more of these please!

Same here I would love to be able to play saxophone. I don't have a single apple device.

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